Monday, June 13, 2011

A "Creamy"

I remember how much fun blogging is! Not having internet at our house has been a struggle so my updates are sporadic, but here!!
This weekend we enjoyed some quality family time. We have been all over the place these last few weeks, I've been working weekends, our car broke down so we have been shuffling kids and car seats between borrowed vehicles. It has been hectic! We were just hanging out on Saturday afternoon when I heard the ice cream truck. I had heard it days earlier on a walk with my sis in law! Spencer didn't believe me, he grew up in the Cove and didn't believe an ice cream truck out here possible! And it even came down OUR road! If you know where we live, you understand how awesome this is! A little dead end dirt road and here he came! Claire and I ran outside, quarters in hand. She got a little shy until she saw the pictures of all the "Creamy's" (her word for ice cream) on the side of the truck. After we picked it out, she happily sat in the sun eating her ice cream. I went inside and Spencer was in charge. Next I hear Claire crying and she comes running to me! "Daddy ate creamy!!" Spencer quickly followed and explained while she was eating, she wanted to get up and "Wash hands", so she went in to do so and left Daddy with her "creamy". He misunderstood and just ate what was left. Needless to say she was quite shocked when she came back to find her "creamy" all gone!! Spencer had to apologize and hopefully she learned a valuable lesson: Never leave your ice cream (aka Creamy) unsupervised!

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